Da Capo al Fine

By Emil Ibjer & Lars Eklöw & Ylva Cerne

Tuta-2En samling gamla trötta instrument har fått nytt liv igen genom möllans försorg och akustiken i silosen.





Ett antal olika instrument placeras hängande i en liten silos, där spegeleffekter mångfaldigar dem. Besökarna får möjlighet att via olika konstruktioner spela på några av instrumenten och uppleva hur volymen och materialet i silosen fungerar som en stor resonanslåda.

Emil Ibjer is an operasinger and the owner of Spiken I Kistan in Lövestad. He has made some public installations with antiques.

Lars Eklöw is an artist and musician drumplayer, and the owner of Kulturmöllan.

Ylva Cerne is an cartoonist and an owner of a red Ukulele.

Mill drum-kit

By Lars Eklöw

drumkitI will collect different pieces in different material from the mill, and build a drum-kit. Maybe even the visitors can play on it. I will also play together with my band.




Live music-performance where I play the “Mill drum-kit” together with Random Dice.

I´m an artist and musician drumplayer, and the owner of Kulturmöllan.