Postcards to a Mill
By Erik SannerErik has ‘made’ special cards to compliment his piece “Chalk and Charcoal…”
Price: $7.50
Shipping & handling: us$5.50 ($0.50 for each additional order). Ships worldwide.
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Typically, a mill grinds things into dust. Typically, a visual artist creates things to be looked at. Typically, a viewer looks.
In Lovestad, the mill has become passive, like a typical viewer. If it were sentient, we could say it is bearing witness to the exhibition – like a typical viewer.
These postcards from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York all reproduce works by American artists, which seemed appropriate missives to art-viewers in Sweden. I used sandpaper to turn a portion of the picture into dust – performing the function of a mill. I invite you to do the same. By sanding another portion of the postcard with the sandpaper provided, you will become a mill/artist/viewer hybrid – grinding something into dust, creating something to be looked at, and looking at something.
From two common objects (one postcard, one piece of sandpaper) you will end up with two original works of art (one uniquely altered postcard, one color-enhanced piece of sandpaper). No other ingredients (such as paint) are necessary – the only requirement is your willingness to become a mill.
Happy sanding!