Bass guitar for a gigantic arena
By Håkan SkytteNylon strings strung from the center of the forecourt to the apex of the mill and played by the wind.
An unplayable double-bass, the shell will finally sound again with a little help from curious visitors and the almighty wind.
Håkan is back from where he started, before and after Hoola Bandoola, playing bass.
South by Southwest
By Jack ToolinA wind driven windmill that drives a record player playing a record.
A windmill or pinwheel (yet to be decided) mounted on the exterior of the building; a shaft running through an opening (window?); record player platter on a tabletop; the platter driven by belt or gear; the sound amplified by a megaphone (Gramophone-like bell structure). The record(s) being played are yet to be decided.
Jack Toolin works with a variety of media to investigate and comment upon the relationships between individuals and social systems. His work in photography, new media and performance has been presented nationally and internationally.